Wednesday, February 15, 2012

V-day, two looks. Love and Fun!

Okay, we either like valentines day or hate it. But why can't we just have fun with it? No hard feelings.. I decided to do two looks for vday, one for love and one for fun.

I liked Renee's idea of different looks using the same base color, shows how you can stretch out a bottle of polish if you have a smaller collection. It gave me the idea to do this:

For the love! I used to Fresh paint in Delicious, a gorgeous creme red that screams Valentine's day approved! And for the topcoat I used a super chunky silver glitter from Funky Fingers called Stage Dive. I like to call this one Red hearts and diamond bling (cheesy yes..Do I care.. no!)

Now for the fun, I have had this color from Zoya for a while, called Keiko . It's a creamy gorgeous medium creme purple. For the topcoat I used Luxe effects pure pearlfection by Essie. I love this topcoat! Not as much as fairy dust by China Glaze though, but close;) I just loved how this fun and simple V-day manicure came out, it's still girly but not the expected pink or red.

(thanks for image link)

But that's it for now, I hope everyone had a wonderful chocolate filled Valentine's day! tata!


  1. Hi!
    I knew your blog today, I'm from Brazil and looking for blogs like yours to learn nail art.
    I turned follower and always come to visit you today!
    Nail art and beautiful!

    kisses Nana

    1. Thanka Nana:)

      Following your blog! I have to say we are very jealous of Brazil, your nail polishes are amazing!


    2. Erika, very very pretty! I'm really digging those topcoats, and that red! Next time I'm by you let's def go to that store (Zero Below??) I forget the name. I need to pick up a few Fresh Paints!

      Nana, yes, Brazilian polishes are GORGEOUS! I really would love to get my hands on a few someday, and I'm sure that doesn't go for just me! Let us know if you would ever like to do a swap and get goodies from the USA and Japan!

    3. Close wifey! Its five below, I went to the one in NJ but the colors werent as great as they were the last time. I want to go with you to the one in SI! Lets make it a plan:)

  2. Love the color of your nail polishes!

    Please check out my blog:)

    Fashions on Top
    Fashions on Top Twitter

  3. Hi Elle,

    Thanks! And I will check out your blog now:)

