Thursday, January 19, 2012

Urban Decay Aquarius

I bought the summer of love set a few months ago from Urban and well... I never even wore any of the polishes. I love Urban Decay, but guys... you really need to bring back the full bottles. I still have my bottle of (Original bottle) Roach and (new bottle) Gash. Why did you stop making full bottles, considering nail polish is what put you on the map? I guess we will never know.. But onto the color!

Of course about five minutes after I painted my nails I chipped the ring finger. Even with a nice coat of Seche on it. I also think it could have used a third coat. Two is good, but three would have given a more dense look.

I showed the color to Renee, and we got into a discussion about how much it would suck that we would have to buy a whole new set just for that one color. The only thing besides that it to get a dupe, and in our search the only color I could think of its Mermaid to order by OPI for Sephora and NYC Glossies 241. They come kind of close, but no cigar. Mermaid is duochrome and NYC 241 is very sheer! You need about 5 coats of it to get that actual color. And Renee added that it doesnt have as much as a metallic look than Aquarius. But that's it for now! I need to watch some Thursday night TV and vegggg...


  1. you should try getting Nicole by OPI Blue Lace. Your pictures kinda look like they would match kinda close but you cant trust pictures.

  2. Thanks Kelly! I just looked it up and wow.. I agree. Polishes like these are so hard to photograph, especially blues and purples. Thanks for the suggestion:)


  3. What a lovely colour!!!

  4. I really like that colour too. Very vibrant and definitely a colour I'd wear.

  5. ::swoons:: So pretty ^_^ Someday it will be mine... this and Galaxy Girl lol

  6. Thanks for all the of the comments! And yes Renee, Galaxy girl will be yours!

