Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Orly Rock The World

Orly Rock The World by KitaRei
Orly Rock The World, a photo by KitaRei on Flickr.

This is from their Mineral FX collection, a gorgeous burgundy polish with gold shimmer. I found it when I was in Ulta with Erika about a week and a half ago. At first I picked up Galaxy Girl, a BEAUTIFUL multi-chrome, but I put it down and picked this one instead because it reminded me of Hard Candy's Beetle, which I have, and I didn't want to have too many of the same polishes (plus this one is SO pretty!) but now I'm having regrets and I feel I should have just got both.. so if anyone has Galaxy Girl, I can trade you a good Japanese polish for it!


  1. I hope that you can find Galaxy Girl!! :D I also have had those moments when you put the item down and say "naw, that's okay," and then end up running back afterwards with a changed mind, just to find that the item is now gone. C'est la vie!

  2. I like this one, looks pretty!

  3. Thanks everyone!

    Ashesela, I hope that I can find it too, I'm really hoping that someone will be able to get ahold of one to trade with me. Don't you hate those moments? You always want to kick yourself later.. ah well, moral of the story is when in doubt, grab! lol
