Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hello Friends!!! Don't Forget 500 Followers Giveaway!

Hello! Again, sorry for the hiatus. I just had my acrylic nails taken off (and will NOT be using them again for a while, I just couldn't help myself with the engagement ring!!) and my nails are healing, and ready to be painted beautiful again :) For the last week and change, my nails have been growing out and looked disastrous. Therefore I didn't see it necessary to blog the ickiness that acrylics created. Having them removed was an extremely painful procedure, too! Ouch!! I thought they'd pull my nails right off with them. Luckily, that was not the case.

Moving forward, we are just 75 followers shy of our 500 followers Halfway There mini-giveaway. To refresh your memory, this giveaway is a celebration that we've made it half-way to a thousand. And we strive to keep our followers happy and coming back for more!

Once we reach that 500 mark, it will also launch our 1000 followers MEGA giveaway, which will entail many awesome polishes from 3 of our writers. Myself, Erika, and Renee - which means you will also win a prize with polishes from Japan exclusively!!! We've been prepping for this one for a while now, and are so excited to be able to show you (very soon!) whats in store for that giveaway.

More polish soon, promise :-)