Monday, December 19, 2011

Before the unveiling of my Christmas mani, Pa goodness!

I haven't gotten a good picture of my Christmas manicure yet (bad sunlight) so to tide you over, I have some Pa for you.

I love Pa nail polish. For those of you who don't know, it is a line of Japanese polish made by company Dear Laura that is, well, awesome!! They aren't just polish either, check out their website Dear Laura. It's in English!

I started with Pa Lame Grande AA48, a nice, warm gold polish. I'm not sure why they call this one Lame Grande, or big glitter, since this is actually a foil and not glitter..but it's pretty just the same :)
Pa Lame Grande AA48

After that dried I topped it off with Pa Rock Top Nail Z04, a bright pink shatter (damn you Dear Laura/Pa, can't you name your colors? That would make them so much easier to identify with!)
Pa Rock Top Nail Z04
I LOVED this combo, pink on gold. I had this planned for a few months, but hadn't gotten around to it until recently. Not very fall/winter, but who cares? I needed something bright and cheerful, and this certainly did the trick.


  1. What a lovely pink!! :)

  2. i was kinda over crackle but i really like this combo the pink shatter is so pretty.

  3. Very Pretty combo!! I'm really loving the Pa Lame Grande AA48. Don't be surprised if you see it on my blog :P

  4. Thanks everyone!

    Beauxs mom: I was getting into a crackle rut too, but when I saw these colors I just knew they would really look amazing together!

    So lonely in gorgeous: It's such a great color isn't it? They have SO many other great polishes, I just got a few more that I can't wait to share!
