Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Turquoise glitter and stone pedi

It was time to change the polish on my toes, and I had just gotten this really pretty turquoise nail polish, so why not?

The turquoise polish is by AC. I'll swatch it on my nails another time.. as soon as I think of a good manicure idea that uses turquoise glitter ;) It's very pretty, the polish base is a clear turquoise color with big and small glitter pieces. It is actually much shinier in person, but my camera didn't catch that too well.

Next, I applied gel topcoat to give the stones a good base to stick to. Then I used a gold jewelry jump ring to frame the center hot pink stone, and coated it with gel polish to make give it the illusion that it is bigger. Then I placed two light pink stones on either side.

This one is simple, but elegant :)


  1. Cute Pedi. I like glitters on my toes, because they last a bit longer on me than other polishes.

  2. Whats AC? pretty glitter though

  3. Thanks! Glitter does last longer doesn't it?
    AC is a Japanese nail polish brand. I think I swatched an orange polish from them, but I will swatch this one on my fingers soon ;)

  4. Very cute! I've never tried using stones in my manicures or pedicures but I love how it looks! Nothing like a little toe bling!

  5. Thank you! It looks especially good when you wear open toed shoes ^_~
