Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Marriage Of THE 2 Most Beautiful Polishes Ever: Zoya Zara And Unicorn Pee

I've always wondered how these two would look together, and it is no doubt a match made in heaven. Zoya has a beautiful microglitter in it, and shines amazingly on its own. It is just common sense to add some more shimmer on top. The combination is sparkly, soft, girlie, a unicorn pee-pee and dragon vomit concoction. I will certainly be staring at my nails all night at the Yankees game (if it's not rained out)

Happy Saturday my nail friends :)


  1. oh! how lovely! i think i am hypnotized.

  2. So pretty! I always giggle when people call it unicorn pee (: I like how you added dragon vomit haha

  3. WOAH this is just the best combination ever. The best base colour for 230 I've ever seen!!

  4. *Drool* It's such a beautiful combination!

  5. GORGEOUS! That's absolutely mesmerizing!

  6. Amazing!! They reflect the light beautifully..
