Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Konad French Experiment And Nfu Oh 61 is MINE!

Hello my friends :) What a beautiful Saturday morning in New York! And I'm laying in bed on the computer instead of jogging and doing something per the usual.

I've really been polishing it up lately! This week, I think I had about 2 colors per day on. So my hands are pretty shot. I need to mellow out and let them soak up some moisturizer.

Thursday morning, the mail surprised me with Nfu Oh 61. It finally, after quite some time on hiatus, became available for sale on and soon after, sold out (i'm talking in less than 24 hours sold out)

Since this is swatched like crazy already, I didn't feel I had anything fresh to add, so here's one little photo...

Also received the most beautiful Orly swatch I've ever seen, called Royal Navy. I don't know why my camera insisted on turning the blue shimmer into white, lets call it outdated camera creative license....but this has such an intense powder blue shimmer in it, and it reminds me of the microshimmer in Clarins 230. It's amazing. This is a MUST own for blue lovers.

And last, took the dogs to the park last night - this is Sasha and Raven, our pitbull and boxer.

I had done a fancy konad french mani yesterday, and couldn't find the right lighting to photograph it. Then, as the sun was setting in the park, I was so glad I grabbed my camera! Because the photos just lit right up and looked beautiful. I also used my shih-tzu's fur for some contrast ...thanks, Abba :)


  1. I love your puppies... How did you get them to pose side by side. Your so lucky you got in fast on the nfu 61, and of course nice Konad.

  2. I love the french with the accent! Love love love it. I just purchased nfu-oh aqua base from I heard it's a must for holos.

  3. The konad mani came out really nice, I gotta get me one of those. That blue polish is hot!

  4. Loving this blue!!! LOVING IT!!!!!!!!!! haha congratulations on the nfu oh 61 :)

  5. I have that Nfu Oh, now I really need that Orly as well! Love your dogs too. (I have a rottweiler.) :)
