Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's day nails (erika)

So as promised from last nights blog, here is my valentine's day look.
Using the flash.. good but also bad...(grrr tip wear!!)

Yes, I know the picture isn't the best, but after taking about 15 pictures I gave up. I know.. terrible, a nail polish quitter. 

I do have something to confess, that may shock you. I really do not like valentine's day, or how my family mispronounces it every time "valentime's day". You would think that a person who loved chocolate, hearts, and the color red would go lady gaga over it. But alas, I could care less. Can you tell I didn't receive a lot of valentines as child..or hugs for that matter?
But this is a great excuse to swatch my new China Glaze "ruby pumps" from their Wizard of Oz series. I have Dorothy Who? the amazing blue sparkly masterpiece, so I knew that the red would not disappoint. I added a simple white outlined heart, just something simple and classic. Like moi of course;)
I am going to (finally) do a blog about my recent stashes that I have acquired over the past month. I used to be one of those people who hated "hauling" I felt like it was just plain showing off, but now I know its just a way to show the new polishes that are out there, to drool over of course, ha ha.

But alas, I must go, but I do promise a haul blog! Ta ta for now:)

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