Thursday, January 20, 2011

Color Club Covered In Diamonds Vs. Nubar G188 2010

I was super excited to get Color Club's Covered in Diamonds today. I was really itching to swatch it with a mint green cream. I thought they'd go together really well.

I used a mint green by China Glaze- 2 coats, and I think perhaps because I didn't let it fully dry before applying the Color Club, it just sunk into the polish and ended up looking so gross! Reminded me of ambrosia. Not a pretty sight. And it's such an awful gritty texture. Very unappealing. I'm so disappointed!

Well since I had wasted 1 hand, I decided to take out my Nubar #G188 and use that on the other hand. Oh what a difference! I didn't have to wait for the China Glaze to dry either. It's just incredible, what a huge difference there is between the two. Would I recommend the Color Club swatch? Sure, if you have time to wait for your base color to dry first...and only use 1 coat! That's all you need!

Here are some comparison photos.

This is Color Club's Ambrosia --- I mean Covered in Diamonds ;)

Nubar G188-

Color Club - Covered in Diamonds

Color Club



Color Club


  1. My god...can you show me one swatch where Covered In Diamonds looks good? I am a Color Club fan, but eew!!

  2. Hi Painting Rainbows,

    I really don't think covered in diamonds will look good in green mint base. Flakies just doesn't look good in mint/babyblue pastel coloured bases. It doesn't show off the sparkle.

    Maybe using a darkened red or burgundy, or even black, it will look really good. I've had covered in diamonds, and I remembered it look really good on Mrs O'leary bbq. :)
