Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mermaids tail dupe! From the past manicure files!

A few months ago I was in Urban Outfitters, perusing the new wares. I like Urban Outfitters. Now I'm not a cheer leader by any chance, But I do like a few things they sell. I bought two polishes from them, one called Sea Dust. and a tomato red color aptly titled "Cherry Tomato' GORGEOUS!
The original

The second I saw sea dust I knew it was a dupe for Mermaid's Tail! Now I don't own the actual polish because its a pretty color but I can't see myself spending 20$ on a glittery nail polish, but 2 for 8? I can do!
I call this my little mermaid inspired manicure because I had watched the little mermaid about 30 times that week, it was fitting, you think?

The red used for the hearts is "Cherry Tomato" so pretty!

The wear is about 4 days before its chipped off, which isn't that bad. Not amazing but good for someone like me who changes their polish often. Too often!

I can't find the polish on the web site so something is telling me this is a store only thing, or they don't sell it anymore. Shame.