Friday, December 2, 2011

Teal-y fast and teal-y beautiful!

Okay, that was corny! But I had too go there! I picked up one of the new Sally Hansen Insta-dry a few weeks ago, and I love it. The color is a mix between teal and indigo. Just a striking color. It's really hard to peg it as just a teal color, so that's where the indigo comes in. I love these polishes because they really do dry insanely fast! These are great for little girls who love to have their nails painted, but don't want to wait more than ten seconds to go play.

But you know me, can't leave well enough alone and had to coat them with China Glaze fairy dust. Thank you (once again) Julie for telling me about this color, it just makes any polish look a billion times more beautiful.

Found my camera card! And the sunlight was streaming in!

and then the sun was gone..
But that's it for now, time to hit the hay!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

World Aids Day

Every December 1st, is World Aids day. I usually rock a red ribbon and try to buy at least 1 or two Red products. It also doesn't hurt that red is my favorite color dejour since I was born. (okay not exactly the day, but I'm sure I was pretty young!) So guys, please rock your ribbon or some red nails!
This past week I was in New Orleans for the Thanksgiving holiday, (I hope everyone had a great one! ) I visited my sister, her husband, and my niece Mariam.
I am not even remotely kidding, right after I took this shot, she erupted in tears..Someone doesn't like their picture being taken me thinks.

But okay back on subject! One of my favorite Zoya's is Sooki, it to me, is just the perfect cherry red with a jelly finish. I own a few red Zoya's, but this one just always grabs me. If you do not own it, get to it now. NOW.

I did this last night, but for the life of me can not find my memory card for my camera. So I had to use horrid lighting and my iPhone to capture the beauty. Of course I had to put some kind of art on my ring finger. It just felt naked! I thought a simple candy cane would be the perfect image for the first day of December.
It figures I have amazing painting skills and moisturized cuticles and my memory card is missing. Puh.

Okay, that's is it for now.


Monday, November 28, 2011


This took forever.. I love the giving of the giveaway, but the collecting and counting.. I don't care for! But counting over 700 entries, comments, tweets... overwhelming to say the least! Here is the first winner:

Alison! I will be emailing you tomorrow for your address:) Congrats!

and 2nd place is

I will be emailing you tomorrow for your address:) Congrats! If you want to email me first, my email is

Congrats guys!

Also, we will have a small giveaway for the 750th follower. Thanks again for following, you guys are the best. Also we are trying to follow everyone back, so if we haven't followed you back, I'm sorry!


Announcing winner tonight!

Hi Guys!
I was in New Orleans for the Thanksgiving Holiday so I didn't have net access at the ready! I have been looking at the tweets, the posts and the comments and I have to say its so awesome of you guys! I wish I could give everyone a prize! I have decided to give two prizes. The second one wont be super amazing, but it will be pretty damn good! So tonight, I will announce the winner...s!

Thanks for the patience and for being awesome:)
