Thursday, June 23, 2011

Blast from the past!

Hey, remember when stores like Old Navy and The Gap sold make up and nail polish? I do! But I mean they weren't anything to write home about(or even blog about!) but I recently spent a few days in the Catskills with the family I nanny for and we visited the mall that isnt that far from where they have a house. Of course I had to go into Old navy because 1. they have really cute graphic tees and 2. I spotted nail polish by the register!

I could not believe my eyes when I saw the display with nail polish. Yes, the colors were not exactly unique. But I did buy two just to see how they were. I bought a creme and a shimmer.

The red is a shimmer polish with hints of gold in it. I love red so I knew I had to get a red polish. The other one that I bought was a color that shockingly I do not own. I have teals, but very light ones. This was a medium almost dark teal. Now the application. The brush is small, but not to shabby. The color went on like a dream. And dried very fast! About 5 minutes including my seche vite topcoat.

Hey, is that a green flower? Why yes it is.

I am going to put the red color on my toe nails, because what is summer without red toe nails. Now if I only had none scary feet! Ahh a girl can dream;)

Overall, I rate this polish a B+ for color and appication and an A for price. Each bottle cost 3.50$ Next time I hip up Old Navy, I will def. be picking up more colors since I know they are worth the price. But back to work for now,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hi everyone!
I got the Pirates of the Caribbean Silver Shatter about a month ago, and I've been dying to swatch it ever since. I was waiting to get another OPI color to swatch it over so I could add it to my Flickr OPI album.

Speaking of Flickr, has anyone noticed how weird it's been acting lately? Since the other day it is giving me hell when I try to post pics, one time it says it doesn't go through, and another it says it went through but I don't see anything.. (so if this gets double posted.. you'll know why.)

Anyway, so I found a drug store that has some OPI polishes CHEAP, (and they were running out) so I grabbed Chicago Champagne Toast while the getting was good so I could swatch it with the Silver Shatter.

First, a swatch of Chicago Champagne Toast:
OPI Chicago Champagne Toast Swatch
It's a really pretty metallic mauvey-pink. It looks great on it's own, but I was dying to swatch the shatter polish. Now the mani:
OPI Silver Shatter over Chicago Champagne Toast

As always, thanks for looking!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

My two new nail polish Addicts:)

Yes, it's me. Your fair weather nail polish friend;)

I have been pretty busy lately so I apologize for the lack of postage! Who knew that having a full time job and going to school part time would make you boring? I for one did not! I kid, though.

I bring just one manicure for you, and it's funny because its the same color that Julie posted right down below, the periwinkle one. It's a gorgeous creamy blu-iesh purple, but it chipped so fast! Even with Seche. China Glaze, you are letting me down!

I also have managed to make two more people obsessed with nail polish, the two little girls I nanny for:
 That's gina, do not let the sweet smile fool you. She is a handful! But she asks me everyday to polish her nails. If you look very very closely at the picture, you can see she is wearing "Back to the Fuschia" by Wet n Wild.
And here is Nicole on the side of Gina. She is my
little helper, always helping me clean up or telling her sister too. But once again, told let the scrunchy face fool you, she's a real handful too! You can't see her nails but she is wearing one of the Insta-Dri Nail polishes called "Lovely Lilac" By Sally Hansen.
So two new nail polish addicts to add to the universe!
And to anyone who is wondering, yes I did get mom's permission to post pics. Also If anyone is a fan of the movie Eat Pray Love, Gina played the baby at the end.

Okay, here is my manicure from last week, its the same periwinkle that Julie used. But with a dusting of fairy dust by CG.. (Word play, aha!)
 Mind the smudging, I always seem to do this when I take a picture with my camera. Anyway, it's getting late and well I'm lazy. Ta ta for now!

The Moody Blues - Secret Per-i-wikle French Mani

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, my tips are growing out and it looks silly, so I really don't have many manis to show off. But I did attempt a blue french yesterday which I thought looked great. I also have a photo I took a few days ago, as I've been all about accent nails to accentuate my newest accessory :) I promise that as soon as I have my nails filled, I will get more creative.

I used Deborah Lippmann's Supermodel (an amazing glossy red) with glitter tips -

Cleo enjoyed attempting to munch on my mani.

And here is my very messy french mani.