Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Erika+Pink=It must be Wednesday!

Hey everyone, wow it's weds! How fast is this week flying! I actually did this manicure a few weeks ago when Renee found the onwednesdaywewearpink blog. It is such a great idea, and fun to boot! And another reason to be pink and girly;) I need a reason!

Also Mean girls is a cinematic gem( oh you know you stop everything to watch it when it comes on TBS, also Tina Fey is a god..goddess! Her new book is hilarious!)

Close up for Miss.Jules;)
I wanted something simple (no nail art) but not to blah... Finally after literally...seconds of debate, I reached for Nubar 2010. I swear this bottle is going to be the first ever nail polish since 1994 that I will ever finish. It is just such a great topper for any nail polish color!
My only complaint about this color from WNW is that A) it took while to dry, B) it dried matte( which I guess for a neonish color wasn't a surprise and C) it needed like 4 coats. But hey for 1.99 you cant exactly complain!

But it's already Thursday here in NY, so I should go! Ta ta for now ladies;)

Striped Mani- my pink for this Wednesday

This wasn't intentional, I know Erika was planning on doing a pink mani this week (I'd figure we'd rotate or something like that, as there are a few of us and it may get tough for all of us to do pink every week) but it coincidentally worked out that way, so why not share it.

A Japanese magazine inspired me to do this manicure. The original was blue and white, but I thought this was cheerier and more bright for spring. Actually, it kind of reminds me of a Victoria's Secret bag, only with darker colors! They are big on nail design over here, and every magazine has a section on manicures. I came across a "border" (it's what they call stripes here) manicure, though done slightly differently (they also used 3-D accents) I decided to give it a try.

I used two no-name polishes in hot pink and red, then topped it off with Sally Hansen Diamond Strength nail color in Diamonds. -I love the rhinestone-embellished bottles this line comes in- I painted the stripes free-hand with the regular bottle's brush (still did not find my fine tipped manicure brush..) so the stripes are a bit wonky, but they'll do.

The manicure came out better on my left hand -I'm right handed-, the same hand I cracked my thumb nail on, so I put a heart over the bandage.

Striped Mani by KitaRei
Striped Mani, a photo by KitaRei on Flickr.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Prepare yourself... and one of the new summer Zoya's

From my last post, I showed my flower manicure using the Sally Hansen designs. Don't get me wrong I love it, but its been a week and I want to change my polish! But I know how HTF the girl flower design is, so I don't want to waste it. And speaking of waste, the kit comes with 16 decals. So if you do the math, 16-10=6. Six wastes decals, because of course on the package it says, Dispose of unused decals. I am not trying to sound cheap, but No! I do not want to dispose of 6 awesomely designed nail decals ( Okay, I sound cheap but I dont care! ha ha)

Well, to kill two birds with one stone( I bet you a man made that one up..) I did this:

This is where the "prepare yourself" comes in..TOES!
Okay, that was one bird- Girl flower on my toes! ( I have to admit, this took guts because I hate my feet) Plus, no wasting of decal. My father who is a very cheap Puerto Rican man, would be so proud;)
And Yes, that is one of the new summer zoya's! It is Zoya Kieko. It is a purple almost jelly like color. Its kind of the half way line between pink and purple. I have to admit, I'm having a love affair with Zoya creams. I love their Duo chromes and glitters, but the creams that they have debuting have been amazing!
Also an update about my adventuring in Konad'n.. I still suck. I mean am I the only one that has a hard time getting the design to transfer to the stamp? I just can not seem to get it right. Boo Hiss!

But that's it for now, it is almost 12am, and I have work tomorrow, and then one of my closest friends is in NY for a few days to hang out:) Talk to you girls later!